Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tank stand

I've been working on the design of the stand for my tank. I would like a design with clean lines like the following ADA stand.

This is the first draft of the internal bracing design. The top area will be 120 x 50 cm, with a standard desk height of 75 cm.

I will build the top frame using 2x6 lumber so the weight of the tank is properly transferred to the pillars without much flexing. The pillars will be 4x4 pieces. I am considering installing a bottom floor sitting on top the lower frame to install the sump and other equipment.

The internal braces under the top panel will help properly distribute the weight of the tank.

As you can see, the whole bottom frame touches the ground, and it was suggested that this might cause stability issues. I am currently working on a solution to this matter.

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